Frozen is a new musical animated movie directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee with the voices of Idina Menzel,Kristen Bell and Josh Gad...produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures,set for realease in November 27, 2013.
It is baséd on the tale The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen published in 1844.
- Title : Frozen 2013
- Director : Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee
- Productor : Walt Disney Animation Studios
- release by : Walt Disney Pictures
- Language : English, Francais
- Country of Origin : United States
- Release dates : November 27, 2013
The history of Frozen 2013 :
Anna, a fearless optimist, teams up with extreme mountain man Kristoff and his sidekick reindeer Sven on an epic journey to find Anna’s sister Elsa, the Snow Queen, and put an end to her icy spell. Encountering mystical trolls, a funny snowman named Olaf, Everest-like extremes and magic at every turn, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom of chaos from destruction.
Actors :
- Elsa (the Snow Queen ) : Idina Menzel
- Anna (Sister Of Elsa) : Anna
- Kristoff (the mountain man) : Jonathan Groff
- Hans (a prince from a nearby country) : Santino Fontana
- Olaf (the snowman) : Josh Gad
- Oaken (the owner of Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna) : Chris Williams
- TBA : Ciarán Hinds
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